Start at 00:00:00 (GMT -4), 60 seconds perround,1440 rounds per day.
1.The 1st to 5th ball:in the same order* Number :Match the winning numbers.
Ex:bet 5 of the 1st ball,and winningnumbers is [5],1,6,9,2, then win!* Small / Big :The small means less thenor equal to 4 and the big means more thenor equal to 5.
Ex:bet small of the 2nd ball,and winningnumbers is 5,[1],6,9,2,then win!* Even / Odd:The ball number is even oroddEx:bet even of the 3rd ball,and winningnumbers is 5,1,[6],9,2, then win!
2.Sum :sum of winning numbers* Small /Big :The small means less thenor equal to 22,the big means more thenor equal to 23.
Ex:bet small,and winning numbers is5,1,6,9,2 , sum is 23, then lose!* Even / Odd:Sum is even or oddEx:bet even,and winning numbers is5,1,6,9,2 , sum is 23, then lose!